Tag Archives: present

one family to love unconditionally

28 Aug

When it comes to family, nothing can replace them.

Family is ALWAYS there.

They’ll ALWAYS love me.

I use the word always lightly in my everyday conversations, but not when it comes to talking about my family.  I know I’m blessed with the most amazing group of friends, but friendships do change.  Family, on the other hand, doesn’t waver.

And today was an ideal example.

I was riding my bike around my apartment complex when I heard my phone ring.  I picked it up to hear my cousin Chris say, “Hey Beth, I have an early birthday present for you.” Knowing that my birthday is 3 1/2 months away, I was interested to see what this statement was leading to.

“Yeah, well, I bought a new car so I want to give you my old one.” I think I almost lost control of my bike because I didn’t think I heard him correctly.  I adjusted my earpiece and asked him to repeat what he said.  “I’m giving you my car.”

I almost lost my mind.  Seriously.

After thanking him repeatedly, I hurried back to my apartment to call my family.  Of course, they already knew because they’ve known for some time. After going through a period of excitement, I composed myself and called my cousin once again.  I thanked him about 20 more times and told him how grateful I am that when he was presented with the choice of selling his car, he immediately declined.  Instead, he wanted to GIVE it to me.

I’m blessed to have family members, like Chris, in my life.  I love him and will probably continue to thank him for awhile.  Yay for my own method of transportation 🙂

Even though we have our disagreements, my family will FOREVER be there for me and I’ll always be there for them.


i’m on a roll

1 Jul

For the past hour and a half, I have been writing and can’t seem to stop.  I’m working on a book and so it’s hard to write when the inspiration isn’t present.  But for some reason, I started typing and the ideas kept flowing.  It’s definitely a tedious process but I’m hoping that in the end, it will be worth the late nights and hard work.

Back to work I go!


packed weekend

15 Feb

This weekend has been non-stop, but so much fun!! My little cousin (who I consider to be more of my little sister), celebrated her eighth birthday on Friday. After she and her sister arrived home from school Friday afternoon, she was begging us nonstop to open her presents.  So, after we ate dinner and settled down, her wish came true.  We gathered int he living room and watched her tear open her presents.  Her little sister tried to claim some of her presents too (too cute!) She loved all her gifts and when it came time for me to hand her mine, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  As  I mentioned in a previous post, I made her a scrapbook.  Each page had a picture of either her or us, a Bible verse on the bottom, and an inspirational sentence (or few) that I wrote myself.  I figured that it was something she could always to or just look at for fun and times when everything isn’t going too great.  Thankfully, she realllyyyyy liked it and that night, her mom texted me to tell me that she had fallen asleep holding the scrapbook.

On Saturday,  she had  her birthday party at a dance studio.  All I can say is, it was the cutest thing to watch her and her friends dance, jump on the trampoline, and bounce off the walls from all the sugar they were having.  I was happy to assist in the set-up and the process in general because it’s moments like those I’ll never forget.  I can’t believe she’s already eight because it seems like the other day we were having her birthday party for when she turned seven.  Time flies so make sure you treasure each moment.
