Tag Archives: intern

keeping my head held high

6 Jul

I am finally employed!!! After searching for a job the majority of my summer, I became frustrated when my plans didn’t go as I intended.  My internships didn’t work it and I kept sulking like a little child.  Little did I know, I just needed some patience.  In one of my earlier posts, I discussed how little patience I have in practically everything I do.  But this little experience over the course of my summer comes to prove, God has a sense of humor.  When I label myself as impatient, I’m not just saying it for the heck of it.  I’m that person who starts tapping her foot when I’ve been waiting in line for more than 30 seconds; or gripping the steering wheel while waiting for the traffic light to turn green.  I’ve been called out on it several times and I have always known that it is one of the qualities that needs the most improvement.

This entire summer, I think God has been making sure I work on that.  I won’t lie and say I’m the most patient person, but I have definitely improved.  At least, I want to think that.  Even though this summer hasn’t gone according to plan, I know that in the future, something bigger than what I could expect will blow my mind.  I guess I’ll just have to wait and see 🙂


east to west coast

17 Jun

Last night, I had the chance to catch up with one of my best friends.  She’s interning in California so I haven’t been able to speak to her during the summer.  We discussed her typical day at work, what it’s like living on the west coast, etc.  It was just great to talk because I sometimes took my friends for advantage.  Not them particularly, but their availability.  In the past, my summers consisted of going to the mall, out to eat, the movies, sit by the pool; the basic things you do in the summer.  But things have changed these last two years.  We’ve had jobs, internships, and less time to actually hang out.  So, during our talk, we joked and laughed but then we took a minute to really think, this is a crucial period in our lives.

This is the time when figure out what careers we want to pursue and the direction we want to go.  It’s difficult when there are a thousand options presenting themselves to us but it’s up to us to decide.  Is it possible to have a job that we enjoy and manages to pay the necessary expenses? Ok, starting off, we might just take a job because it pays the bills.  eventually though, we all want to find that happy place.  That happy medium where we won’t dread going to work on Mondays.

Even though my bestie is on the west coast, I’m extremely proud of her.  We don’t hang out frequently, but it’s times like these that remind us that as we grow up, different responsibilities will fall into our lives.  No matter where we are in the world, it’s our friendships that help keep us sane in this insane world.


fueling my dreams

15 Jun

I wish I could say my summer has gone exactly as planned, but it hasn’t.  I was hoping to have an internship where I could figure out what exactly I want to do.  Honestly, I feel like I’m riding on a teeter totter of my life.  One minute I’m on the side that knows exactly where I’m going to land in five years.  Then, I’m on the other side that is second-guessing my decision.  I guess my dilemma is figuring out what career will allow me to incorporate writing without becoming a hermit.  It’s frustrating when you think you had everything planned out and then all of a sudden, you’re faced with these decisions that will affect you for years to come.

I’ve always been the person that changed her mind every 2 years.  When I was younger, I wanted to be a doctor (what kid didn’t?) Then, I found out my distaste for math and science.  Next, I wanted to be a musician; until I started taking piano lessons and didn’t have the patience.  Before I knew it, I thought I had it! I would become a journalist.  But then, people started telling me how I’ll basically be a starving artist at first and the chances of succeeding in that industry are slim.  My problem is listening to what everyone wants, but not really listening to what I want.  In the middle of my frustration, I’ve come to learn that I what I need, is patience. When something doesn’t go as I intended, I have to stop moving onto the next project.

I’m hoping and praying that this year will be different.  Hopefully, I figure out what the heck I want to do and when that happens, I’ll stick with it. So far, my lack of an internship has allowed me to focus more on my writing.  If things keep going the way they are, I think some incredible things are in the making.  God definitely has a sense of humor because this summer has definitely been a test of my patience.  He hasn’t let me down yet, and I don’t anticipate that ever happening.


where has the time gone?

6 Jun

Hello there!!!  I want to let you know that in regards to my last post, the young man was found alive five days after he went.  missing.  Apparently, he left on his own will and has yet to disclose any further information. Thanks to everyone who aided in the search!

Aside from that, I’m still job searching.  I have been interviewing for internships, but those haven’t worked out yet.  I’m trying to not grow too impatient, knowing that God works everything out on His time.  In the meantime, I’ve been seeing my baby niece a lot, which is always wonderful.  Even though she has spit up on me and had multiple diaper accidents while I’m changing her, I sitll love her.  At least I’ll have plenty of baby stories to share with her when she’s older.

Thankfully, this summer has been relaxing for me so far.  I’ve been able to do a lot of writing on the side. During school, “fun” writing is rare so I’m glad to have that luxury now.  I keep telling myself that I’m going to write a post on my blog, but it continues to slip my mind.   I’ll do better!

Hope you’re enjoying your summer!
